Does A Sleepyhead Grand Fit In A Travel Cot?

Fun should not stop after parenthood. Taking your baby to travel destinations may feel like a hassle considering possible logistical difficulties, especially when planning their sleeping arrangements. Worry no more – there are products that make going on multiple-day getaways with a baby or toddler are now readily available. The Sleepyhead Grand fits into travel…

Do Travel Cots Need Sheets? – Everything You Need To Know

First-time parents should definitely invest in a travel cot for their new baby. However, simply purchasing a travel cot isn’t enough. While you may want to invest in a thicker mattress or attachments for your travel cot, you will definitely need to purchase sheets.  Travel cots need sheets – not only do they help protect…

Do I REALLY Need a Travel Cot? – What To Know Before You Buy

New parents must make countless decisions before they bring their baby home. From your baby’s sleeping arrangement to the brand of nappies you’ll use, there are so many choices that come with being a parent. But there are some baby items that almost every parent needs, including a travel cot. A travel cot is a…

Babylo Cozi Sleeper vs. Chicco Next 2 Me – Which Is Better?

Bedside cribs have become an excellent alternative to traditional co-sleeping, allowing parents to safely stay close to their babies all night. UNICEF recommends parents have their baby cot next to their bed for at least the first 6 months. Today, the Babylo Cozi Sleeper and Chicco Next 2 Me are two popular bedside cribs, but…