Are Baby Leggings Worth It?

Shopping for baby clothes can be very stressful if you are a first-time parent. One thing that’s stressful even more is choosing the right clothes for your pregnancy. Since your body is changing in ways you cannot imagine, it is hard to assume and predict what you will feel most comfortable.  Baby leggings are commonly…


Are 3D Scans Worth It? – Everything You Need To Know

For an expectant mother, it is exhilarating to see the baby’s image while they are still developing in the womb. The most common practice is 2D imaging, which gives vague, unclear pictures of the baby only understood by the sonographer. With the latest technological advancements, the introduction of 3D scans allows a mother to see…

Are Antenatal Classes Useful? – Everything You Need To Know

Expecting a newborn can be the most exciting moment for any parent and stressful too, especially for first-time parents. You will want to be ready to start your parenting journey and raise your little one in the best ways possible. One step that a parent may take is attending antenatal classes. However, are the antenatal…

Do Partners Go To Antenatal Classes? – What To Know Before You Go

Bringing a baby to the world is magical and one of the most important experiences in your life. However, preparing for the baby to come is not only the mother’s job since the partner needs to be properly prepared so they can deal with any kind of situation. Therefore, should partners go to antenatal classes,…

Why Maternity Clothes Are So Ugly – What You Can Wear Instead!

Something that many of us find really hard to work out during pregnancy is finding things to wear. Looking at purchasing a whole new wardrobe seems hard work, stressful and can also be extremely overwhelming. This on top of everything else quickly moves further and further down the line until you have no choice but…

Are Early Gender Scans Worth It? – What To Know Before You Book

Early gender scans are probably the most popular for private scan companies, due to us all wanting to have the information, the shopping spree and of course those wonderful gender reveals. No matter your reason for wanting a gender scan there are still some things you might want to know and plan for. As our…